shackfleet – Shackfleet: Appelflappen In Space Thu, 19 May 2022 23:11:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shackfleet – Shackfleet: Appelflappen In Space 32 32 Bunker + Medical Rescue + Bad Guys Thu, 19 May 2022 23:11:36 +0000 Read More]]>

During some solo play I decided to run some bunkers and managed to get myself incapacitated. Luckily, a friendly neighborhood medic came to rescue me.But then, as tends to happen in Star Citizen, things went sideways.

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IAE 2951 – Come play with Shackfleet! Fri, 19 Nov 2021 21:06:45 +0000 Read More]]> ShackFleet would like to welcome you to the Star Citizen 2951 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo!

Over the next 2 weeks, Star Citizen is Free to Download and Play! Plus we will have a few GIVEAWAYS of a full copy of Star Citizen to a few lucky participants at the end.

There will be over 100 ships totally free to fly across the full game over the next 2 weeks with various sales coming and going as the expo focuses on different ship manufacturers as days go on.

Details on how to join the IAE Free Fly are here

That said, Star Citizen is best with friends!

Thankfully, we have a few you can borrow to help you get started in the game (the on-boarding is a bit , um, steep?)
We play nearly every night, but we make sure to focus on getting together every Friday at 6 Pacific/ 9 Eastern and can be found in our discord #Shackfleet channel nearly around the clock. Join here or message ejectorpod#1654 in Discord for access.

<<<ShackFleet Giveaway Rules!>>>

Simple, Play With Us any time until December 1st and then post a screenshot showing your name in the party menu with a #Shackfleet member. Most nights we are doing the thing!

Instead of just throwing these prizes to the whims of “random selection”, we are going change it up and throw it to the whims of “random selection” of the folks who try the free game!

To Enter: Follow the official “Getting Started” instructions here

Hop on the chatty discord #Shackfleet channel and say hey! Join here or message ejectorpod#1654 in Discord for access.

Once in game, you will have to add a few of us in the in-game friends list to play together.

To take a screenshot, press F12 then you can usually find your screenshots in ‘C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\screenshots’

Multiple Packages will be given away across the next 2 weeks! Keep an eye out!
NOTE: this giveaway is only for folks who have not yet bought the game
CYA In The ‘Verse!

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Welcome to the new Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:18:24 +0000 Read More]]> Welcome to the new, home of the Appelflappen. We are a group of Star Citizen enthusiasts with a love for space ships, space, and space lasers (pew pew!).

We hope to bring you write-ups of our latest exploits, our thoughts on the development of Star Citizen, and fun photos and videos of a healthy dose of criticism and praise for our favorite space game (or almost a game, depending on your perspective).

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